

REVIEW: NECA’s Ultimate SCREAM 7-Inch Ghostface Action Figure


In 1996, A Nightmare on Elm Street director Wes Craven proved once again that he had the chops for horror with his satirical slasher movie Scream . Revolutionary in its meta self-reflection on the horror pop culture genre, Scream shined with its fun plot twists and who-dun-it attitude. The kills were good too, as was the killer’s design: a simple black-robed, white-masked, knife-wielding maniac named Ghostface. The success of the first movie spawned 3 more, with a fifth installment planned for 2022. While I’ll never understand Scream’s longevity (there’s only so many plot twists you can do before it wears thin), fans do still LOVE the iconic Ghostface killer design.  



To honor this horror icon, NECA has recently released Ghostface as an Ultimate 7-inch action figure. For those paying close attention to NECA these days, the “Ultimate” treatment means all the bells and whistles an action figure can receive, including multiple head sculpts and accessories all wrapped up in deluxe fifth panel window box packaging. If you’re a Scream fan, then this figure was made for you.



Announced last summer during NECA’s virtual Comic-Con@Home experience, Ultimate Ghostface arrives dressed in an all fabric robe. Not to be confused with NECA’s release of their updated 8-inch Scream clothed figure, this version of the Ghostface killer is a traditional 7-inch plastic action figure… with real cloth goods AND a ton more accessories. Get it? Got it? Good. Hey, have to keep both action figure collecting camps happy. Personally, I’d think Ghostface fits firmly in NECA’s 8-inch clothed figure category, his black robes practically “Scream” it (har!) . But hey, if NECA can pull off a clothed figure two ways, more power to them.DSCN5117


And really that’s nothing but a good thing for those collecting their favorite slashers in the 7-inch figure format. For killer accessories, Ghostface packs 3 knives of various types and sizes, along with a scythe. There’s also a small voice distorter device, which is very character specific and cool to include…. I just don’t see many fans actually using it on display given all the other killer weapons.DSCN5100


To wield these instruments of slaying, NECA provides 2 interchangeable hands – right and left – each specific to the blade in question. You’ll have to do some finagling of your own here, as there aren’t any clear images or instructions of what hand goes with what. I found that the right hand with the wide round hole (for obviously holding the scythe) was the most universal hand for gripping knives, but I congratulate NECA for their eye to detail.



The true “Ultimate” experience comes with the addition of four (4) interchangeable heads, including the original mask, the bloody variant, a zombie mask, and a glow in the dark mask. I’m quite fond of the classic Scream look, but I’ll admit that the crackly, “damaged” portrait is also hot. Hey, this ultimately boils down to a personal preference and it’s cool that NECA leaves all movie options open. DSCN5106

Swapping heads is as simple as pushing back Ghostface’s real cloth cowl and popping off his noggin via a fat ball joint. It’s a little bit tight, but ultimately the entire process pays off with how snug his cowl fits back over his head. Oh, for those curious to what is underneath Ghostface’s robe, just check out the photo above. I know, it’s not flattering, but it’s not like ANYONE is ever gonna display Ghostface without his robe, right (RIGHT?!).


As stated in my article highlighting the Best Horror Movie Slashers, Scream‘s iconic Ghostface killer is a must-have in any collection. While many Ghostface collectibles exisit, you can’t go wrong with NECA’s Ultimate version. Priced at $29.99, NECA’s Ghostface action figure is available NOW at many fine retailers, including EntertainmentEarth.com

Scroll on for more photos!

Review and and Photos by Jeff Saylor

Review Sample courtesy of NECA

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  1. Erik

    Good review. Got this for Christmas and am very pleased with it. I missed the figures NECA made around 2011 or so when Scream 4 came out, so this nicely amends for that. And it’s definitely better than the McFarlane version they did for Movies Maniacs Series 2 way back in 1999 (how I feel old remembering Movie Maniacs).

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