-Review and Photos By Andy Jones
-Review Samples Courtesy of Hasbro

Ghostbusters Afterlife is finally ready to premiere in theaters on November 19th and Hasbro has provided us some samples to try out and share our thoughts to get ready for the new film!

Kicking it off, I’m going to share the Ecto-1 playset and two of the ghosts. Muncher, a new ghost featured in Afterlife, and your old favorite Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.




We catch a glimpse of Muncher in the newly released trailer. He’s got six limbs and an appetite reminiscent of Slimer. This figure sports six limbs and a translucent belly. He’s also got a mouth full of garbage in his mouth. Twist his arms to make the garbage ball move in and out. And on his back you can press to make a stop sign and fire hydrant push through his belly.



Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

I’ve actually been trying to avoid any spoilers before I see the film. I’ve seen the trailers with the mini Stay Pufts, but I’m not sure if the 112.5 foot Marshmallow man makes an appearance. This figure is based on the Stay Puft from the first movie. If you squeeze his legs, his torso spins around and appears to be ripped in two. Then you can push his top down and make him compact again. Regardless, he won’t be stepping on any churches in my town.




The new Ecto-1 playset reminds me of the original Real Ghostbusters animated style Ecto from the 1980s. It’s got cartoony proportions, but lots of fun features. The back hatch opens up to launch the remote control trap. There’s also the gunnery chair that pops out, and the roof-mounted neutrino wand shoots a “proton beam”. But you can also take the neutrino wand and stick it on a peg on the gunnery chair for more action. This playset will fit the Ghostbusters Fright Features figures.

These toys are a great way to whet your whistle as we prepare for the return of Ghostbusters to the silver screen. Stay tuned as we have a review and some pics of the Plasma Series figures. They’re highly detailed and fully articulated.

-Review and Photos By Andy Jones
-Review Samples Courtesy of Hasbro

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