Movies/TV/Games: Trick 'r Treat on DVD

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Trick 'r Treat on DVD

    The ultimate Halloween film is finally released...


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    Back in 2007 when the official trailer hit the web, I was anxiously awaiting the film’s release date to be announced but months and moths went by and nothing. By the end of 2008, it seemed that Michael Dougherty’s clever mix of Halloween tales would never see the light of day. Two long and winding years later the wait has finally paid off and Trick r Treat is now available on DVD and Blu-Ray. After watching the film at this year’s Comic-Con for the very first, I could not wait to own my very own copy of the film.

    The film’s plot consists of 4 differently unique horror stories which all take place in the same town on Halloween night. The clever thing about this film is that all of the individual stories intertwine with each other in one way or another. Dylan Baker plays a stellar role as a single father who is an elementary school principal by day and a sadistic killer by night. The interactions between principal and his son are very misleading at first but the viewer soon comes to realize that this is a “Like Father-Like Son” tale.

    Then there is the tale of four hotties who are desperately seeking dates to accompany them to a Halloween party. At first it seems that this is the tale of a virgin who is afraid to take that final leap into womanhood. The story’s climax soon reveals that the girls are actually werewolves and its time for the youngest in the pack (played by Anna Paquin) to have her first kill. The werewolf tale is one of my personal favorites and I especially enjoyed seeing Paquin wearing her ironically clever, Little Red Riding Hood costume.

    Aside from all the creatively written short tales there is also the main star of the film “Sam” which roams around the town unsuspectingly looking like an average child in a costume when in-fact he is truly the spirit of Halloween himself. The potato sack-masked creature runs amuck the town torturing and killing all those who do not respect the sacred holiday’s traditions. The film is chock-full of gratuitous gore and campy horror goodness with a little bit of humor in the mix and it truly boggles the mind why this film was never released in theatres.

    With its cleverly written tales of terror and abundance of blood and gore, this film will keep you entertained from beginning to end. Michael Dougherty has truly achieved the ultimate Halloween horror film and its name is Trick r Treat.

    Review By: Jorge Pelaez

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	trick-r-treat-movie-poster.jpg 
Views:	204 
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ID:	1746  

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Southern California

    Re: Trick R Treat on DVD

    This movie is so great; it's really a shame that it never got a theatrical release. Anyone who's a fan of Halloween-related stories and classic 80s anthology films needs to see this.

    I also just picked up the NECA Sam figure last week. He's awesome!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Trick R Treat on DVD

    We will be running our review of that figure this Friday so stay tuned.

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  6. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Southern California

    Re: Trick R Treat on DVD

    Can't wait! Over the weekend we did pumpkin carving with the wife's family, and then sat everyone down to watch Trick 'R Treat. It really holds up well for repeat viewings, especially because there's so much interaction between the stories and characters that you just won't get the first time through.

    And Sam is just awesome!

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