Movies/TV/Games: BLU-RAY REVIEW: Sons of Liberty

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    BLU-RAY REVIEW: Sons of Liberty

    History Finds Focus On The Rebels, Patriots and Founding Fathers...

    There was a time when only teachers, school children and politicians paid any attention to American history. That time is long since over thanks to popular movies, TV series and mini-series like History Channel's Sons of Liberty; a 270 minute three-part epic which follows a fictionalized version of the events which led to the American Revolution. So what if it's not quite historically accurate? You're watching it to be entertained and not educated after all and there's actually a lot of entertainment going on here.

    Sons of Liberty begins with the bar-tending, roughian Samuel Adams (Ben Barnes) doing his part to rebel against an imperialistic British empire by shrugging off his appointed duties as a tax collector and refusing to tax his fellow Bostonians. While Samuel Adams today might be best known for having a beer named after him, this mini-series would have you believe he played an vital role in forging the nation in which Americans now live. It's of course Adams and his cohorts who force the issue of unjust taxation without representation which in turn leads to the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party and - soon to follow - the American Revolutionary War.

    Of course, that dandy John Hancock (Rafe Spall) is also featured here as a high-society importer who has been working with the Brits to ensure their needs, and his own, are taken care of and both come out wealthier for the effort. However, when British Governor to Massachusetts Thomas Hutchinson (Sean Gilder) is replaced due to the unrest with the violent General Thomas Gage (Marton Csokas), the dynamic in Boston soon changes. With more British troops deployed to quell the riots and protests and restore calm, the actual reverse happens...and America's Sons of Liberty are born. Of course viewers are introduced to other famous founding fathers and Sons of Liberty including Samuel Adam's cousin John (Henry Thomas), the infamous Paul Revere (Michael Raymond-James) and the inventor, politician and lady's man Ben Franklin (Dean Norris). Each plays a pivotal part in the establishment of a rebellion that would literally change the face of the world forever.

    Throughout the three-part mini-series, a natural, historical flow establishes itself, culminating with each episode's turning point that, in turn, leads into the next episode. The first episode - A Dangerous Game - focuses on the establishment of characters and minor skirmishes which would become the Boston Massacre; the second episode - The Uprising - builds further to end with the Boston Tea Party and the third and final episode in the series - Independence - features battlefield actions Lexington and Concord as well as the signing of a document that would birth a nation. While each episode features unique actions which would lead to the fully realized war between American and Britain, the actual fighting is often not the focus and, instead, it is the politics and character development takes center stage.

    Some viewers may wonder why History Channel decided to release a series like Sons of Liberty which obviously inaccurately depicts actual historical events in a way that may not have happened. However, with the inclusion of the unique style and dramatization featured in the series, again, this is one show that's long on opportunities for viewers to connect and be entertained and seemingly short on historical fact. Sure, it's not really all what? It stays true to the feeling, meaning and actions which lead to the birth of a nation today's media-driven culture - where fact isn't as important as ratings - that's enough...isn't it?

    Sons of Liberty is well acted throughout, the production values high and the sets beautifully designed and realized. Director Kari Skolgland (who also worked on the TV series Vikings) brings to life the characters and historical Boston throughout the series. The show providing an engaging, enjoyable and captivating look that draws one into each and every scene, ensuring each character connects with you, even if they're a bad guy.

    As far as the picture and sound, the blu-ray delivers a solid quality throughout. The 1080p video transfer in native 1.78:1 ratio comes to life on screen courtesy of Lionsgate Films and History. Detail and contrast are good, though sometimes soft at times, while colors are bright and bold. British red stands out against the lush green and native browns of the countryside while skin tones stay consistent throughout. The lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 mix provides plenty to impress, with ambient sounds providing setting and mood. The dialogue is clear and present throughout the front end while the rear speakers get their due during battle scenes, in which gun and cannon fire and the yells and cries of the injured and dying is present.

    As far as special features, the blu-ray includes three: a near 10-minute "Lensing Liberty," which provides a look at the challenges faced by series' makers as they tried to film larger battles; the 9-minute "Choreography of War," which features a look at the various fight scenes; and the near 17-minute "Men of Independence," which gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at several real-life characters featured in the series.

    Overall, Sons of Liberty, while not historically accurate, is one of the most enjoyable and exciting looks at the actions leading up to the American Revolution. With beautiful sets, high-end production values, high quality actors and a storyline that's at least based in history, Sons of Liberty provides a great way to at least introduce non-fans of American history to some of the characters and turning points in America's history...all while being entertained.

    History's Sons of Liberty is available now on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD wherever fine home video is sold.

    - Jess C. Horsley

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Name:	sons.jpg 
Views:	423 
Size:	91.9 KB 
ID:	294352  
    Last edited by JessHorsley; 06-12-2015 at 01:16 PM.
    "Until next time...have FUN with your figures!!"

    Jess C. Horsley

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