Super7 presents their  new 1.75-inch M.U.S.C.L.E. Trash Can Assortment based on the popular anime ROBOTECH. Each Trash Can  ($20 each) features the Skull Squadron emblem molded on the lid and contains a full set of all 12 Robotech MUSCLE figures. Figures include: VF-1A, Battlepod, Rick Hunter, VF-1J, Roy Fokker, SDF-1, VF-1S, Lynn Minmei, Gerwalk, VF-1S-Super, Zentreadi Soldier, and Tomahawk. The figures come in a randomly multi-color assortment that includes a random gold glitter figure!


Robotech M.U.S.C.L.E. 3-Packs ($6 each) are also available. The full set of 12 figures includes:

  • Pack A – VF-1A, Battlepod, Rick Hunter 
  • Pack B – VF-1J, Roy Fokker, SDF-1 
  • Pack C – VF-1S, Lynn Minmei, Gerwalk 
  • Pack D – VF-1S-Super, Zentreadi Soldier, Tomahawk