Kidrobot announces the release of an all-new, collection based on iconic art pieces from the preeminent visual artist of the 20th century, Andy Warhol – the Andy Warhol Polaroid Series and The Invisible Sculpture. Both are available for purchase at and select retailers world-wide.


Andy Warhol Polaroid Series – $19.99

This set of 11 reproductions of Warhol’s famed Polaroids contain a combination of Warhol’s iconic selfies and everyday objects like Brillo boxes and bananas, which were the kind of subjects he loved to photograph on daily basis through the medium of his adorned Polaroid Big Shot camera during the 1970s up until his untimely death in 1987. These 11 Polaroid reproductions are a great collectible for the Warhol enthusiast and create a timeless visual diary of the life and art of Andy Warhol.


The Invisible Sculpture – $225

In 1985 Andy Warhol created The Invisible Sculpture via performance art at the famed, New York downtown nightclub Area. The concept of his Invisible Sculpture was to show that the absence of something could be art. To activate the work Warhol briefly stood on a pedestal in the nightclub. Warhol then stepped off the plinth and walked away leaving only the pedestal and a small wall label reading Andy Warhol, USA, Invisible Sculpture, Mixed Media, 1985. Now, Kidrobot is recreating The Invisible Sculpture as a diorama with a clean presentation. The inspired box closes securely and includes a handle, and the minimal styling matches the powerful aesthetic of the original Invisible Sculpture. Perfect for every Andy Warhol enthusiast.

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