Perusing the exhibit hall during preview night at SDCC 2016 we came across a name that should be familiar to any modern statue collector: Erick Sosa.  The master artist who has worked for many of the top company has branched out with his own PrototypeZ Studios and is producing incredible Street Fighter 1/6 and 1/4 scale statues and busts!  In addition to incredible sculpting work and paint detail these statues come with unprecedented bonuses: each one includes a second entire torso (with unique poses and details) as well as a separate bust display base.  This means you get a full state and a bust, and the torsos are interchangeable so you can switch up the looks!  Check ’em out in our SDCC 2016 PrototypeZ Studios photo gallery.


On display were Ryu and Evil Ryu, and while Erick is still making improvements they looked fantastic and were actual factory samples, NOT prototypes.  Of course the sculpts are great, and there are all sorts of intricate details like separate eye pieces within the statues’ heads, lifelike shading on the flesh that resembles silicone figures, and even a light up feature inside the red eyes of the evil version!  Ryu and Evil Ryu are available for pre-order now (1/6 – $349, 1/4 – $650), and Prototypez is committed to producing all 17 Street Fighter Turbo characters!  We saw early artwork for Ken, Akuma/Shin Akuma, and E. Honda.  And, Gecco is doing the production and QC so you know these statues are going to be great.


Click here to see Ryu and Evil Ryu from PrototypeZ Studios at SDCC 2016!

-Scott Rubin

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