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/ Forum / News CARD BACK: Toy Vault's MIDDLE-EARTH TOYS (1998)

Toy Vault's MIDDLE-EARTH TOYS (1998)

10:20 AM 12-30-2010
Imaginative figure line made before the movies...

[HR][/HR]For a great selection of action figures and collectibles, check out BigBadToyStore.com, ToyDorks.com, BriansToys.com, ToyWiz.com, SmallJoes.com, PastGenerationToys.com, Urban-Collector.com, MonkeyDepot.com, HobbyLinkJapan.com, and Sekaido.com.

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[HR][/HR]Way before Peter Jackson amazed audiences with his movies and Toy Biz rolled out their extensive action figure line, Toy Vault took on J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy world with their own series of toys. The line had a pretty good run too, tackling most of the major characters, each featuring several variants. Their sculpts are of the "love it or leave it" variety, each based on how they were described in the books. I picked up Ugluk due to my love of monsters. A decent figure for the day, though I confess to liking the look of the Orcs in the movies much, much better.

8" x 11"

