Mattel: Ask Matty Q&A - May 14th

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    Fredericksburg, VA

    Ask Matty Q&A - May 14th

    Re-decoed Ghostbusters, mystery MOTUC 200x figure, more...

    For a great selection of action figures and collectibles, check out,,,,,,,, and

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    You have stated that there will be an additional 200x figure this year aside from Keldor and Marzo and that it will have a really cool shield. Are you refering to the Grayskull re-release in the fall or is it another character?

    It is a different character in addition to the King Grayskull re-deco release.
    The vanishing Orko with Adam is a cool incentive for those attending Comic-Con this year but most people are going to want the standard figure as well. Will attendees have the choice to buy the regular or exclusive version at the show or will the standard Orko be specifically reserved for

    Only the color change version will be sold at SDCC. The standard deco version will be exclusive to
    You have mentioned that future large-scaled toys will vary from $30 to $60. Can you throw out a few names of items that you would consider to fall in the $60 category?

    At this point it is too early for us to comment on this. We just want to keep our options open. There may not necessarily be a $60.00 option, we are just covering all possibilities.
    When will we be seeing the variant version of the Comic-Con exclusive Peter Venkman doll?

    Hopefully soon - we have not gotten a final sample in yet.
    Since you have already released some slime-covered Ghostbusters, are there any plans for marshmallow-covered versions to go with the eventual release of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?

    In time, we would love to get to these great re-decos but there are no plans to announce right now.

    For even more Matty Q&A, visit!

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