Marvel’s Avengers Resin Paperweight Collection Receives Color...
From concept art (see our story HERE) to raw prototypes (HERE), Monogram has been showing collectors each stage of development for their upcoming Marvel’s Avengers Resin Paperweight Collection. Today Monogram shows off the near final product, as color and life is brought to each character. Pictured above, a fully painted Iron Man and Captain America are in their final stages, ready to fight and defend the world from villains such as Ultron and M.O.D.O.K.
The new Marvel’s Avengers Resin Paperweight Collection will feature a total of 12 individual pieces that can each be displayed on their own, or more ideally, collected as a group to assemble the circular Avenger's "A" logo. Standing around 7.5-inches tall (or taller, depending on the character), each detailed resin sculpture depicts Marvel's many great heroes and villains, including Captain America (Item# 68287), The Hulk (item# 68286), Black Widow (item# 68288), Hawkeye (item# 68289), Thor (item# 68291), Iron Man (item# 68292), Red Skull (item# 68293), Loki (item# 68294), Vision (item# 68296), Ultron (item# 68297), Abomination (item# 68298) and M.O.D.O.K. (item# 68299).
Monogram's Marvel’s Avengers Resin Paperweight Collection will roll out - one superhero/ villain at a time - beginning this summer in June 2016. Each resin paperweight will be priced at a SRP of $39.99.