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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Fredericksburg, VA


    Cyborg Super Solider With Looks To Kill...

    Ah, it is so refreshing to see Hot Toys work on something that isn't Marvel related. Nothing against those fine figures, mind you, it's just that they tend to override so many other potentially cool projects Hot Toys could be working on. Like Appleseed Alpha. I've been looking forward to the release of Briareos Hecatonchires since the figure was announced last year (see HERE). I'm a HUGE sucker for future military stuff, especially hulking cybernetic soldiers like Briareos. So was the wait worth it? Yes and no.

    Aesthetically, this new figure of Briareos Hecatonchires (MMS 269) is amazing. Hot Toys' first Briareos figure (MMS 52) had a softer sculpt more indicative of the early Appleseed Ex Machina anime. It also reflected a younger Hot Toys, a company still honing its art. Don't get me wrong, Hot Toys' work was good back then and still looks great, but sculpting and toy production in general has vastly improved over the years. Hot Toys has had ample time to improve itself, having produced a staggering 217 figures since the first Briareos saw release. The new Briareos is just so much more realistic. Part of that realism stems from the visually stunning CGI used in Appleseed Alpha. Animation has also vastly improved over the years. But the rest is just Hot Toys perfecting their craft.

    Details are sharp and defined, especially in the gorgeous robotic head, and the array of textures used on the Briareos' armored body is jaw dropping. If I had one critique on the new Briareos' appearance, it'd be that I wish he had a bulkier torso. The first Briareos reflects that upper body strength just fine, with the figure's chest ballooning out like a hulked-out body builder. Starting at his legs and looking on up, while tall, the new Briareos appears to be the same build with no visible upper body definition. I'm not talking muscle sculpting - that's all there. I'm talking actual bulk where the chest is much wider than the legs. I dunno, perhaps it's just me, but I'd have much preferred a more ripped Briareos figure.

    Back to the positive, Briareos' arsenal of weapons is awesome. I've been a long fan of Masamune Shirow's future-military designs, his guns appearing as if they could be in action today, but with a slight sci-fi edge to them. Here we receive a large auto magnum that fits snug in a tactical drop holster attached to his leg, as well as Briareos' trademark sniper rifle from hell. While not as massive as the first figure's long gun, this new sniper rifle still impresses in design, featuring two removable mags (one is a reserve in the rifle's butt) and folding bi-pod legs (though one of mine is really loose).

    While the sniper rifle looks great, my main issue with it is that Briareos has a very hard time holding the gun in two hands. Part of the problem is Briareos' arms just don't reach over far enough to properly grip the weapon. The included tactical vest, while very nice, tends to get in the way, but even without it on, the figure just can't hold it right. Another small issue is the interchangeable hands being cast in a more pliable, softer plastic. This is great for getting a trigger finger in place, but can prove troublesome when attempting a secure grip on a gun's handle.

    The worst offender, however, is Briareos' arm itself. When trying to pull it over his chest to get a two-handed firing pose, the arm on my figure pulls out of the shoulder socket. Not broken, the peg on it just pops right out. Frustrating is an understatement. As you can see, I did manage to get Briaroes to hold his gun two-handed. It was just extremely frustrating getting it that way, and even so I'm not fully happy with the results. It's such a shame that I can't get an actual looking-down-the-sights sniping pose.

    Despite my complaints with this figure, ultimately I like it. This new version of Briareos Hecatonchires is just too damn cool looking not to like. But the little issues I mentioned do frustrate me, tarnishing what could have been a flawless release.

    Review and Photos by Jeff Saylor

    Review Sample Courtesy of Hot Toys

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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1briareosTOP.jpg 
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ID:	307429   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1briareosHEAD.jpg 
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ID:	307430   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1briareosVIEWS.jpg 
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ID:	307431   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1briareosGUNS.jpg 
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ID:	307432   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1briareosEND.jpg 
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1briareosCLOSE.jpg 
Views:	4950 
Size:	355.7 KB 
ID:	307434  
    Last edited by JeffSaylor; 12-09-2015 at 10:09 AM.

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