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/ Forum / News Mattel: MattyCollector Subscriptions Extended Again

MattyCollector Subscriptions Extended Again

07:52 AM 08-12-2011
Last chance to save Club Infinite Earths...

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[HR][/HR]Mattel is extending the sale for their MattyCollector 2012 Subscription Plans one last time. The previous deadline of August 14th has now been extended to Monday, August 22nd at 11:59 p.m. PT.

The plans include:

* Voltron Club Lion Force - Get 5 Lions that make a 23" tall Voltron, 5 Pilots with pieces to make an Ultra Blazing Sword, plus a club-exclusive Sven.

* Masters of the Universe Club Eternia - To include Sorceress, Kobra Kahn and more.

* Ghostbusters Club Ecto-1 - Fans will get a figure of Dana Barrett and the club-exclusive The Rookie with Taxi Cab Ghost.

* DC Universe Club Infinite Earths - The only way to get true collector 6" characters guaranteed, plus for the first time ever, fans choose the club-exclusive figure.

This second extention comes as new information has been revealed for Club Infinite Earths, the one subscription plan that is in danger of not happening due to a lack of subscribers. Below is more info on Club Infinite Earth's from Mattel in hopes to clear the air on a lot of confusion:

1: First off. Yes DC 6” will continue at retail in 2012 but their will be a lot of changes. Collect and Connect and the Wave strategy will be gone. The focus will be on much more mainstream and kid/mom friendly mixes/characters. This is WHY we created the club, to give a home to those team builders, C and D list characters and fan demanded variants who may no longer be showing up at retail in 2012.

2: A lot of fans were concerned over the limited purchase window and the timing with SDCC. This was very much due to the limited time Mattel had to make a required direction change for the line (due to both sales data and licensor requests). We wanted to keep the 6” line going (in terms of deep deep character selection). The Club concept was put together VERY quickly before SDCC which is why few details are not yet locked in at this point (i.e. packaging, full character roll out etc…). We’ve got our best collector team on this and are working hard with the die hard fans in mind to deliver what you have been asking for!

3: To clarify on character selection, as most fans have speculated, there will not be any repaints or rehashes in the online club. The whole point of the online Club Infinite Earth is to keep delivering the fan demanded figures you want in 6”Four Horsemen scale. Because the retail line is going a bit more mainstream, this online club IS the avenue going forward for fans to get the team builders, females, aliens and obscure characters they want. While we can’t reveal all the details for the line up, as a reference, just check out Club Eternia. MOTU fans have enjoyed a steady stream of fan requests, deliberate team building and never before made figures. This is the same basic strategy and approach we will be taking with the DC Club Infinite Earth sub. We know we don’t have all the details yet, but our strategy is the same. Definately a trust request here from Mattel to the fan base, but we are comitted to deliver on that!

4: Our meter really is the minimum number of “all in” sub buyers we need to turn the machines on. While Cherry Pickers are great for additional day-of sales, we need a committed baseline of sub holders to pull the trigger on this (much as we have for MOTU and GB each year, the sub is our guarantee that we can at least move the bare min number of units to keep the line going!). If you are on the fence, time to pony up and vote with your purchase!

Club Infinite Earths is designed for the die hard DCU 6” Four Horsemen style collector. The Club gives us the opportunity to do figures that would not work at retail (due to size, character selection or other factors) and is the best avenue for us to keep building teams and pumping out fan demanded figures. Again, just look at MOTUC. It started off as one figure a month and due to fan support as blossomed well beyond that.
01:31 PM 08-12-2011
Well I wish they'd allow us to go into our Matty accounts and add extra subscriptions (combining the shipping) if we want.

I renewed my Club Eternia sub immediately as soon as they became due because I was worried about missing out and also wanted to show the line my FULL 100% support.

But since then I've been kind of wishing I had added the Club Infinite Earths one too. But they say on their site that only subscriptions ordered at the same time will ship together.

So I guess that means it's too late for me cuz I just can't afford DOUBLE international shipping every month. :(

Oh, but I really want to see these club figs happen -- especially if the retailers have forced them into "dumbing down" the line. :rolleyes: It's those very obscure characters, females and aliens that I love!!
01:33 PM 08-12-2011
Well can't you go in and cancel your Club Eternia then go back and renew, along with adding Infinite Earths?
01:58 PM 08-12-2011
Is it my imagination or didn't I hear them say somewhere that anyone who cancels their Club Eternia sub will never be able to renew it ever again in their lives?

Anyway, knowing the way things often work at such places even if I could do it the way you suggest it seems like there's too much potential for a screw-up resulting in either:

a) my Club Eternia sub being cancelled (possibly permanently), or

b) me getting TWO Club Eternia subs mailed to me each month when all I want is one

Plus they have already charged my card for the Club Eternia. Then I'd need a refund and recharge and more potential for massive screw-ups...
02:02 PM 08-12-2011
Well that sounds pretty harsh if true, but I do agree that there's plenty of room for error - especially with all the past/current issues with Digital River. Worth the hassle? Probably not.
02:52 PM 08-12-2011
I just wish they would have given us more time to think about it. The Club Eternia renewal notice is literally the first time I heard about this new Club Infinite Earths.

When you're going to be adding several hundred dollars to your yearly toy budget (--BTW I'm still not clear exactly how much more we're talking extra yearly for this new club) then you really need time to think about it, take a look at your budget, think over how much do you want the figs and then decide. But I didn't have that time because all I knew was the clock was ticking away and I had to get that MOTUC club renewed before the deadline!

And they didn't really give enough info on the line either. But now after your article here today and more details I'm more in favour of the line than ever.

Matty, if you're reading this, if there's a way for me to add a subscription AND combine shipping with my existing sub please let us know. I DO support the idea of Club Infinite Earths.