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/ Forum / News Comics/Books: A Recent Retrospecitve of Author Andy Remic's Work

A Recent Retrospecitve of Author Andy Remic's Work

12:19 AM 06-30-2011
A look at the British writer's latest, greatest, and all-around crazy books...

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British author Andy Remic is quite clearly a crazed madman intent on forcing those of us smart enough (or sick enough) to read his books to fall madly in love with his writing, thus making us want his work all the more and, in turn, making us all the more smart...or sick.

Simply pick up ANY of Remic's novels - including the hardcore action Spiral trilogy, the brilliant fantasy trilogy called The Clockwork Vampire Chronicles, the on-going military sci-fi series Combat K, or the brutal Serial Killers, Inc. - and you'll immediately notice how this twisted writer delivers not only some of the best action scenes around, but also impressive character development, intense suspense, side-splitting humor, and unparallelled violence. And he does this in every book he writes.

Today, if you're a sci-fi or fantasy reader, you've probably heard of Andy Remic. His first novels were published between 2003 and 2005 by Orbit Books and he's been writing for Solaris Books, one of the best known British sci-fi and fantasy publishing houses, since 2007 and Angry Robot Books, one of the newest and most popular British sci-fi and fantasy publishers, since 2009. Most recently, Remic began publishing via eBook through Anarchy Books, the radical new publishing portion of Anarchy Media whose sole purpose is "combining different media to present a wider experience for the entertainment junkie" (that's a direct quote!).

It's not as if Remic is a hidden gem, at least not today. But back in 2003 when his first book Spiral hit book shelves, few had heard his name. Thankfully, most critics and fans gave his book some love, providing Orbit the encouragement to publish the other two entries in the trilogy - Quake and Warhead. While all three books were considered more summer blockbuster (lots of flash, violence, and pizzazz, and little depth), they sold and put Remic on the map.

Of course, when readers and critics look back now at those first three novels, they find the current Remic lying in wait; learning, growing and, in many ways building his repertoire for what would become the fan-favorite books he's writing today. After all, fans wouldn't have the main characters of Combat K (including the always violent and hilarious Franco Haggis) were it not for Carter/Kade, Simmo, and Mongrel from the Spiral trilogy.

As previously mentioned, Remic's first works - Spiral, Quake, and Warhead - were part of a near-future sci-fi thriller trilogy telling the story of a world in which deep cover Spiral agents protect the everyday happenings of the unaware civilians threatened by the violent everyday actions of terrorists. However, when these Spiral agents begin showing up dead and the balance between good and evil tips, it's up to Carter, the most deadly and skilled Spiral agent on the roster, to keep the world from falling apart. Of course, LOTS of people are killed (in very violently ways) and eventually the world ends up getting nuked, but not before we learn all about how truly good Carter (and his split personality Kade) really is at what he does and how amazing the series' author can be. Human/insect hybrid warriors fighting psychopathic, split-personality covert government assassins? Yeah, it's that awesome.

Remic's more recent work includes four far-future sci-fi novels - War Machine, Biohell, Hardcore, and Cloneworld. The on-going storyline of Combat K, this series features an experienced squad of specialized "Combat K" special forces soldiers forced to work with one another in order to save their galaxy from a threat the likes of which humans and aliens have never seen. Take a bunch of clones, a planet full of zombies, a bunch of diseased aliens, a sex-starved ginger, and more weapons than you can carry on an aircraft carrier and combine it with Remic's stylized action and an all-star cast of characters with complex relationships and what do you get? You get a page turner you won't be able to put down. Be sure to check back soon for my review of Cloneworld. Did I mention the clones and zombies?

Other recent works by Remic include the fantasy series The Clockwork Vampire Chronicles. The trilogy includes Kell's Legend, Soul Stealers, and the recently released Vampire Warlords. The series features an homage to deceased fantasy author David Gemmell and his "legendary" creation Druss the Legend from the fan-favorite, critically-acclaimed book Legend. You can read my review of Kell's Legend HERE and my review of Soul Stealers HERE; be on the watch for my forthcoming review of Vampire Warlords in the very near future.

As for his most recent work, Remic's Serial Killers, Inc., a harsh tale of guns, sex, drugs, debauchery, anger, and violence, is available both in eBook and trade paperback format. A brutal look inside the mind of a man who has few friends, fewer morals, and no problem killing, the story is not for the feint of heart, but delivers an intense and powerful story the likes of which readers have never seen. Again, watch for a more in-depth review in the weeks ahead.

It's not everyday a reader finds an author whose every book makes them smile at the idea of an exciting story that's both escapism and entertainment at its best. Thankfully, Andy Remic does that for me. If you're a fan of sci-fi, fantasy, thrillers and over-the-top action, I'd encourage you to give author Andy Remic a try. While his work may not be everyone's flavor, like the right type of spicy Thai food, once you get some, you can't get enough.

Andy Remic's books are available at any good bookstore or Amazon.com.

- Jess C. Horsley
10:31 AM 06-30-2011
Wow Jess, been reading away! These sound very cool, but unfortuantely I'm still heavy into my Warhammer 40K novels:) Wrapping up the last in the Soul Drinkers series now!
11:24 PM 06-30-2011
If you're a fan of WH40K, you'll absolutely L-O-V-E Remic's Combat K novels - they read like a WH40K novel and some have compared his work to past work from Black Library! And he's good friends with Dan Abnett too!