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/ Forum / News REVIEW: Bandai Gundam Fix Figuration Next Generation #0044 RX-0 Full Armor Unicorn Gundam

Bandai Gundam Fix Figuration Next Generation #0044 RX-0 Full Armor Unicorn Gundam

08:15 AM 11-24-2010
This ain't no rock-em sock-em robot...

[HR][/HR]Bandai's Gundam Fix Figuration Next Generation #0044 RX-0 Full Armor Unicorn Gundam is now in-stock at select retailers such as HobbyLinkJapan.com and BigBadToyStore.com.

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[HR][/HR]Over the years there have been hundreds of toys made from the various robots in the seemingly countless Gundam series. They’ve ranged from simple figures to incredibly complex (and expensive!) works of art, and are always a favorite with the otaku crowd. Every so often a Gundam product comes along that really stands out for its great design and cool accessories, and today we’re looking at one that certainly fits the bill. Coming from Bandai is the Gundam Fix Figuration Next Generation RX-0 Full Armor Unicorn Gundam, and it’s one hell of a robot!

Headlining the Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn OVA, the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam robot is a deadly unit piloted by Banagher Links. Its basic form features a single “horn” which earns it its name, as well as unique “psycoframe” receptors that boost its response time and agility. Thanks to an ingenious friend of the pilot, the Unicorn is upgraded to its Full Armor Mode. In this configuration the armor is expanded to reveal shining green components, the face becomes more human, and the horn splits into a “V” shape. Beyond the cosmetic differences though, the Unicorn Gundam receives a massive array of weapons and equipment including guns, shields, and booster rockets!

Like many of the other figures in the Gundam Fix Figuration Next Generation series, the Full Armor Unicorn Gundam comes packaged in a very attractive window box. The front of the box has a huge clear window so you can see the figure and just some of its cool accessories (the rest are hidden behind). There’s a great deal of information and text on the box... but it’s in Japanese so I have no idea what it says. The entire box is done in white and shiny green that perfectly matches the colors of the figure! The back of the box shows the Unicorn in all of its glory both in figure form and artwork, and there’s even more text that you’re sure to enjoy if you can read it. Inside the box you’ll find two plastic sheaths containing all of the parts as well as not one but two sheets of instructions for the full assembly!

The RX-0 Full Armor Unicorn Gundam starts out stripped down to its core components. At about 6 inches tall the Unicorn is hefty and sturdy thanks to a good amount of metal content. It’s a great looking robot that you’ll immediately recognize as a Gundam with its long legs, short torso, and cool mechanical head.

What’s unique about it are the intricate “open” armored plates all over the Unicorn that really do look as though the outer shell is separating! Some of the armor panels are even articulated, especially those around the waist so as not to hinder leg movement. Inside the seams and gaps are translucent green plastic parts that look great against the overall white armor. And while the outer armor is flat white, there are plenty of gray details at the joints in addition to the amazingly intricate text and graphics all over the place.

The shoulders have lots of printed info including the tag “ID SEVEN MAGALLANICA” and the Unicorn logo. The Gundam’s head is a very cool helmet and facemask configuration with all of the aforementioned colors and metallic green eyes and yellow crest.

A Gundam this cool needs good articulation and the Unicorn doesn’t disappoint. It has all of the usual joints plus interesting pecs that help the range of arm poseability, movable “skirt” parts, hinged ankle armor, and more. It’s not the most super-articulated robot ever, but it couldn’t be; instead the Unicorn needs great stability in order to carry its massive armory. Even so, the articulation scheme is more than adequate and you’ll get great poses out of the Gundam. In addition to the regular joints it has swing out beam saber hilts in the forearms and easily removable hands for swapping out the included extra parts (fists, gun firing hands, beam saber holding hands, etc.).

The real name of the game for the Unicorn Gundam is accessories! Starting with the basics, the robot has a compact jetpack-style backpack that mounts two more beam saber handles. Ignite those weapons (either from the backpack handles or the forearm mounts) with two saber blades in translucent pink.

Then there are the guns. The Unicorn comes with a single Beam Magnum rifle, two Hyper Bazookas, and no fewer than six Beam Gatling Guns! For protection the robot has three shields, each of which can mount a pair of the Gatling Guns (as you’ll see when the Unicorn is fully loaded). The Bazookas too get massive upgrades with under barrel grenade launchers and attached missile launchers.

Full deployment goes something like this: Attach all Gatling Guns to the shields, then two of the shields to the Unicorn’s forearms. Add the connector piece to the backpack, and then plug in the Hyper Bazookas and third shield between them. Mount the backpack to the Gundam’s back and plug in the two rocket boosters. Remove the trim pieces from the robot’s legs and replace with the grenade racks.

Finally, equip the Beam Magnum rifle and the Full Armor Unicorn Gundam is ready for battle! Of course with all of that weight you’re definitely going to want to use the included display stand which is the icing on the cake.

Like all of the other Gundam Fix Figuration Next Generation, the Unicorn is a fitting representation of Hajime Katoki's designs. It’s incredibly versatile, performing well as a stripped down robot all the way to its fully armed and armored version. And with all of those parts and weapons you’re free to equip the Unicorn has you like, dual-wielding to your heart’s content. The Unicorn Gundam is available now from fine importers such as HobbyLinkJapan.com and BigBadToyStore.com priced around $95, a fair price for a very cool Gundam.


Review and Photos by Scott Rubin

Review Sample Courtesy of Bluefin
