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  • 10-27-2014, 10:13 AM

    Breaking Bad on the "Breaking Bad" Controversy

    Adult Collectors Fight Back Against TRU Figure Censorship...

    By now I am sure you have heard the news: "Florida Mom's Petition Persuades Toys'R'Us To Remove Breaking Bad Toys". It was a story that should not have been a story, in no part thanks to mainstream media making it one. "Toys'R'Us 'Breaks Bad' with New Crystal Meth Toys" read one such headline, the very definition of sensationalism. With only 9,298 supporters (as of today) and an unhealthy dose of aforementioned media attention, "Florida Mom" swayed Toys'R'Us to remove Breaking Bad action figures from store shelves and their website. The reasoning? Because she deemed them inappropriate, criticizing Toys'R'Us for selling "a Breaking Bad doll, complete with a detachable sack of cash and a bag of meth, alongside children’s toys [as] a dangerous deviation from the [company's] family friendly values."

    To Toys'R'Us' credit, the company did defend itself - albeit briefly - by stating that the Breaking Bad packaging "clearly notes that the items are intended for ages 15 and up" and that they’re only sold "in the adult action figure area of our stores." Clearly this wasn't enough, as Florida mom's petition continues to point out that "While the show may be compelling viewing for adults, its violent content and celebration of the drug trade make this collection unsuitable to be sold alongside Barbie dolls and Disney characters."

    Never mind that the "drug" accessories the figures include are out of sight in the packaging. Never mind that many other "violent" toys can be found in TRU's adult action figure area (Jason Voorhees anyone? Walking Dead?). Never mind that there are adult collectors that purchase said adult collectibles in the adult action figure area. As you can see, this is not a story. This is censorship.

    The reason that I write about this now is that the tables have turned. Concerned adult collectors are fighting back with a petition of their own. That's a story I can rally behind. Started by Daniel Pickett (Action Figure Insider), the petition asks people to "Please sign to join me in asking Toys R Us to continue to support adult collectors and KEEP selling the Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, South Park, Game of Thrones, Alien, Sons of Anarchy, and many other properties to the mature, responsible adults and let the 'family focused atmosphere' continue in the other 40 odd aisles in the store 'for which they are known.' And THANK YOU to Toys R Us for selling toys for 'kids' of ALL ages!"

    The petition already has 60,135 supporters. The "KEEP Breaking Bad (and other Adult Collector) Figures On TRU Shelves" petition also has its own healthy dose of media attention, including the cast of Breaking Bad.

    Aaron Paul who played Jesse Pinkman on the show tweeted last Friday "Dear @ToysRUs, We have close to 30,000 signed on the petition, that is 3 times the amount that caused you to remove the toys. Talk to me. Ap." Note that 30,000 more supporters have joined the fight over the weekend.

    As of today, Toys'R'Us has not responded to this sudden turn of events or their rash decision to pull the Breaking Bad figures from their toy stores and website. One can only hope that freedom of choice will prevail; the overwhelming outpouring of support from adult collectors overshadowing the conservative paranoia of a few. Join the fight by following the link below.

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