Extensive toy line from the upcoming Disney movie...

Toy Fair 2010 coverage brought to you by the following fine sponsors: BigBadToyStore.com, PastGenerationToys.com, and Sekaido.com (YesAnimation.com).

McFarlane Toys had on display at Toy Fair their extensive toy line based on the upcoming Disney movie Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Scheduled for release this May to coincide with the movie's debut, this series will include:

* 4-INCH FIGURES: To include fully articulated figures of Dastan: Warrior, Dastan: Desert, Setam (Hassansin), and Ghazab (Hassansin).

* 6-INCH FIGURES: Dastan: Warrior, Dastan: Desert, Zolm (Hassansin), and Ghazab (Hassansin).

* ROLE PLAY & BOXED SETS: Alamut Gate Playset, Dastan & Aksh Horse Boxed Set and a Sands ofTime Role Play Dagger.

Check out all these collectibles on display at the show, loose and in mock-up packaging, at the link below!

For a great selection of action figures and collectibles, BriansToys.com, ToyWiz.com, SmallJoes.com, MonkeyDepot.com.

For a great selection of pop culture t-shirts and apparel, check out TShirtGurus.com and 80sTees.com.