Details on exclusive Dark & Light Talisman Scarabus figures...

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As previously reported (see our story HERE), the Four Horsemen revealed plans to offer exclusive Scarabus figures (pictured above) at the "Toypocalypse: A Four Horsemen Retrospective" gallery show. Even though the Four Horsemen expect these special edition sets to sell out quickly, you're not going to be completely out of luck if you can't make it to the show.

The Dark Talisman Scarabus & Light Talisman Scarabus figure sets will be available at the Toypocalypse show at the TT Underground Gallery, beginning the evening of February 11th, priced at $100.00 per set and will be limited to only 100 sets for sale at TT Underground.

Then, the following week - to celebrate the closing of Toypocalypse - beginning at 9:00pm EST, on February 18th, the Four Horsemen will begin selling another 100 sets of Dark Talisman Scarabus & Light Talisman Scarabus through their online retail outlet, Store Horsemen, also priced at $100.00 per set - plus shipping. These sets will be virtually the same as the sets that are to be sold at the Toypocalypse event, with a slight, albeit significant, packaging alteration to be unveiled at a later date.

For dates, times and more info about "Toypocalypse: A Four Horsemen Retrospective," CLICK HERE.