Movies/TV/Games: SDCC11: "Mad" About Darksiders II

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Fredericksburg, VA

    SDCC11: "Mad" About Darksiders II

    Prepare to take a ride with Joe Madureira's exciting new game hero: "Death".

    San Diego Comic-Con coverage brought to you by Tonner, Collectibles Insurance, and Big Bad Toy Store.

    One trade that has dramitically increased its presence at San Diego Comic-Con is the video game industry. Numerous titles made their looming arrival known to the masses at this year's show, but it was Vigil Games/THQ's Darksiders II that really grabbed our attention thanks largely to 2010's incredible Darksiders. Playing as War, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Darksiders thrust us into an amazing world filled with cool exotic characters - all designed by comic legend Joe "Mad" Madureira of Battle Chasers and Uncanny X-Men fame. Joe Mad has a very distinctive, exaggerated art style and the first Darksiders captured that style flawlessly. Combined with fun gameplay - challenging puzzles, massive exploration and a brutal, multi-layered combat system - Darksiders easily surpassed my expectations, quickly becoming one of my favorite video games. There was only one small problem: I was left wanting more.

    Darksiders II, slated for release in 2012, promises to solve that problem by vastly expanding on everything Darksiders offered... and then some. After a quick stroll to the Analog Bar located in San Diego's festive Gaslamp Quarter, we were given the great privilege of speaking with Joe Mad who provided us with a stunning behind-the-scenes look at Darksiders II in action.

    Darksiders II takes place at nearly the same time as the first game; right around the time when War is convicted and sent back to Earth by the Charred Council. You play as War's brother, Death, who THQ revealed will be voiced by Michael Wincott (The Crow, The Count of Monte Cristo). Believing War is victim of a conspiracy, Death sets out on a personal mission to prove his innocence. Some of the most substantial changes in Darksiders II's gameplay stem from Death. War has nothing on Death when it comes to agility, the player-controlled character able to traverse the world with nimble ease. Wall clinging/climbing has been greatly improved and a grappling ability is readily at your disposal. Vigil/THQ has made exploring Darksiders II's world much easier in other ways as well. Where War didn't acquire his steed Ruin until about halfway through the game, players in Darksiders II will be able to summon Death's horse Despair at command. Well, not all the time. Death will still have to maneuver confined passages on foot, but in open areas - of which Darksiders II promises lots more of - Despair will be available to gallop you off.

    Those open areas I just spoke of are another major change in Darksiders II. Darksiders had a pretty large world to explore, but Darksiders II is going to be massive. City hubs are worlds upon themselves and will be populated with numerous non-player characters for Death to interact with. In the gameplay footage we saw, the Eternal Throne was shown to be one of these hubs - a wicked flying airship pulled by two colossal dragon-like creatures and ruled by the Lord of Bones. The Eternal Throne will be just one of many locations Death can purchase exciting new weapons and armor, gold being acquired from slain foes and a plethora of loot locations. Vigil/THQ really want players to have more freedom and fun exploring and looting in Darksiders II, another welcome addition.

    This brings us to Death's armor and arsenal. Where players were confined to the look of War, Darksiders II will allow for cool customization via numerous sets of armor acquired throughout the game. Armor will be scattered around in unique pieces, encouraging players to seek out all the parts to form an all-new wardrobe for Death. Best of all, the armor goes beyond just aesthetics and will actually have function. Death's weapons were equally awesome. Your default weapon will be a sythe which can be used combined to clear a room, or individually as two hand weapons for rapid close quarters combat. Other weapons shown in our demo was a devastating hammer and war axe, throwing blades for ranged battle, and two insanely cool Wolverine-like hand claws. Physical weapons aside, Death will also be able to summon a flock of flesh-devouring birds called the "Feast of Crows," a cool spell, that like all the weapons in the game, can be powered-up with points for more devastating damage.

    Bigger and better best describe what we saw of Darksiders II. Vigil/THQ isn't going out to reinvent the wheel with this game, opting instead to deliver fans of Darksiders a larger, more epic gameplay experience. Bigger, more "alive" worlds to explore. Tons of treasure, power-ups, weapons and armor to loot. Broader customization. Quicker and easier map traversal. The strong possibility of down loadable content. Best of all, Darksiders II will deliver more Joe Mad; jaw-dropping fantasy design that puts the hack and slash adventure franchise in a league all its own. Bring it on.

    A huge "Thank You" to THQ and Joe Madureira for allowing us the opportunity to see Darksiders II in action. Looking good!

    - Jeff Saylor

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1darksiders2USE2.jpg 
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ID:	20965  

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: SDCC11: "Mad" About Darksiders II

    Yeah, but where are the darned toys for this??

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Fredericksburg, VA

    Re: SDCC11: "Mad" About Darksiders II

    Something maybe coming But yes, action figures are a MUST. We told Joe as much, but he told us it's all in THQ's hands.

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  6. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: SDCC11: "Mad" About Darksiders II

    Why rolly eye face? That makes me feel that you don't have much hope!

  7. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Fredericksburg, VA

    Re: SDCC11: "Mad" About Darksiders II

    No word on figures, but we may get something else Shoulda used a wink icon instead of roll eyes

  8. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: SDCC11: "Mad" About Darksiders II figures, but maybe something else? Sir, now you have confused me.

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