REVIEW: NECA's Gears of War SERIES 6

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Fredericksburg, VA

    NECA's Gears of War SERIES 6

    Good things come to those who wait...

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    Good things come to those who wait. That age-old idiom never rang more true than with NECA's long-anticipated sixth series of Gears of War action figures. Over a year in getting to retail, this assortment of 7-inch scale figures pumps new life into the popular video game line with the addition of several all-new characters and incredible improvements made on an old one. Available at retail now priced at a SRP of $15 each, GOW 6 includes a retooled COG Soldier, a flail and shield-toting Mauler Boomer and a new Locust class: Kantus, and the Kantus High Priest, Skorge.


    Introduced way back in Series 3, this version of the COG footsoldier features new and improved articulation, much like that seen on the COG Soldier in Series 5. The biggest change is in the legs where NECA has added useful new hinged/swivel thighs that allow the trooper to really bend and get into the action. The upper arms have some new joints as well, eliminating the sometimes awkward weapon gripping of the earlier figures. Overall, the new Series 6 COG Soldier is the way this figure was meant to be from the get-go - hyperarticulated and ready for battle. If you don't already own this Gears classic, now is the perfect time to do so. If you already own the original, you can NEVER have enough of these slick sci-fi soldiers in your collection. Armed with both a standard issue Lancer assault rifle and Gnasher shotgun, you also get more great gear for your figure arsenal.


    We first saw this big fella in Series 5 with the Boomer, the Boomshot heavy weapons class of the Locust Horde. The Mauler is more of the awesome same, only instead of a Boomshot, the Mauler comes charging into combat with a newly sculpted snarling headsculpt, removable horned helmet, Boom Shield and flail! The helmet is a remarkable design and looks best kept on the Mauler's head. The option to take it off is there though, perfect if you want some different Mauler appearances in your Locust ranks. The flail is a brand new weapon featuring a flexible plastic chain. Unfortunately, the handle on devasting pummeling device is a tad too large for other figures to wield it. Just as well, you only see Maulers using it in the game. Lastly we come to the Boom Shield, the coolest new piece of gear to come into the series for a long time. While NECA had to abandon the spring-loaded feature to keep costs down, the device still looks amazing. To use it, the back of the shield features two soft plastic straps that wrap around the figure's arm and then tuck into two slots. I recommend using a pair of Tweezers to help push the straps in, especially on the Mauler's thicker limbs. Once attached, it stays on great, shielding your figure from enemy attack.

    Fans will want to snag two of these bad boys just for the killer accessories - equip Marcus with the Boom Shield to hunker down for some extended Horde Mode action, or slap the helmet on one of your Boomshot Boomers for an amazing alternate look.


    This is where the figure wave gets really interesting. Introducing an all-new, sculpted from the ground up character, the Kantus Priest. These unholy critters annoy the heck out of me in the game, reviving downed Locust soldiers and easily sidestepping incoming fire. I hate 'em, but I LOVE this new figure! Much like the Theron Guard from Series 2, the Kantus stars intricately sculpted soft plastic robes that add a lot of depth to the figure. Armed with the rarely seen Gorgon Pistol, the Kantus also awes with its lizard-like good looks: from its extended forked tongue, plated, bloody arms, all the way down to its reptilian clawed feet. The Kantus is an exciting new addition to the Gears of War figure family and I can't thank NECA enough for finally getting him (it?) out.


    Known for getting the most out of each new figure body they develop, NECA takes their Kantus to the next level by turning him into a High Priest, Skorge! And what an incredible transformation it is. This Gears of War 2 villain really stands out from the Kantus with a totally different look. Gone is the tall unholy hat, replaced with a free flowing "dreadlocked" leather cap. The upper body is now mostly exposed, showing off the great sculpting work on the Kantus' bony torso. The robes now become a lengthy leather loincloth and Skorge's arms and legs bristle with menacing spiked armor pads. I mentioned that the Boom Shield was one of the coolest new pieces of Gears of War gear, but Skorge's Dual Chainsaw Staff runs a close second. NECA went all out on this weapon, allowing fans to use it fully connected (ala Darth Maul) or separated for single hand-to-hand combat. The staff actaully splits in two different ways: You can attach a handle to the end of each piece for two more uniform solo chainsaw weapons, or you can remove those handles to mimic the staff being cut in two; each tip realistically splintered. Now that's attention to detail!

    Gears of War Series 6 marks the exciting return of some of the coolest sci-fi action figures produced. If you are a long time collector of this line, like myself, Series 6 is not to be missed. Newcomers have some major catching up to do, but there isn't a better place to start then with this wave. And just think, come this September the action starts fresh with Gears of War 3. New game, new figures. Lock 'n load and let the chainsawing (or bayoneting) fun begin.

    Photos and Review by Jeff Saylor

    Review Samples Courtesy fo NECA

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: NECA's Gears of War SERIES 6

    Very NICE! I love it when we get things like this from NECA. I hope they bring on more monster and creature sculpts in future lines.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: NECA's Gears of War SERIES 6

    Happy to see some new sculpts in the Kantus characters but they look a little undersized if my memory serves me correctly. Shame they didn't up the scale on these guys. I suppose they need to keep them inside a certain price bracket but I'd rather pay extra for a bigger, more intimidating figure. Could you imagine if the Skorge they released was about 9-10 inches tall instead.

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  6. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Fredericksburg, VA

    Re: NECA's Gears of War SERIES 6

    I don't recall Skorge being THAT big, but yeah perhaps a smidgen undersized. Really not that noticeable though on display, and their killer new sculpts more than make up for it. It's a really great assortment and such a shame we didn't get it awhile ago to keep the Gears momentum going when it was at its peak. Then again, it is perfect timing now with Gears 3 coming out. With NECA coming out with that 1:1 scale Butcher Cleaver (see HERE), I wouldn't be surprised if we saw that Butcher Boomer figure finally get released too. Get out that Grinder Boomer and I'll be a very happy camper

  7. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: NECA's Gears of War SERIES 6

    Man have I been waiting a long time for these!

    They're still not in my town yet but I'm hoping any day now...

    Yes, more monster and creature sculpts please!

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