Movies/TV/Games: BLU-RAY REVIEW: South Park The Complete Fourteenth Season

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    BLU-RAY REVIEW: South Park The Complete Fourteenth Season

    Bow to the mighty Cthulhu...

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    South Park, the popular animated series that debuted on Comedy Central in August of 1992, has continued to entertain and offend people of all ages with it’s crude humor, ridiculous storylines, and social satire. The residents of South Park, led by kids Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and the infamous Cartman, have not only made the leap to the big screen, but have had a successful television run of over fourteen seasons. The Complete Fourteenth Season now debuts un-cut (mostly) on Blu-ray and DVD.

    South Park has had a television run plagued by controversy but none has stirred up more than the two-part story arc that marked the show’s 200th episode. The story involves celebrities that have shown up previously in the show’s history wanting vengeance against South Park for their mistreatment. Led by Tom Cruise, they launch a vicious lawsuit that will bankrupt the town unless they meet one condition – bring them the prophet Muhammad. The first part was aired as intended with Muhammad being disguised in a Bear mascot costume. However, the Muslim community was outraged and the show’s creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone received death threats if the second part was aired. So when the 201st episode was shown, any reference to Muhammad was bleeped. While this was acceptable for the television airing, it’s kind of ridiculous for a home video release, especially when all the previous seasons were “uncensored.” While the label is missing from this latest release, all other episodes on the set are uncensored.

    The other twelve episodes in this season’s set involve all sorts of crazy shenanigans from kids with sexual addictions and obscene books to spoofs of Tron, Jersey Shore, and Inception. But the best episodes are a 3-part story arc featuring Cartman as The Coon from Season 13 and the return of Mysterion. Having now formed a team of superheroes called Coon and Friends, they try to do good deeds but butt heads when Cartman’s idea of helping is self-serving. They kick him out of the group just as a major oil company has caused an oil spill in the gulf. Things get worse as they try drilling a second time, only to open a portal to another dimension, freeing the dark lord Cthulhu. When The Coon teams up with the evil being to wreak havoc, the rest of the team must spring into action to save the world before its too late.

    Both the Blu-ray and DVD releases feature a number of extra Bonus Features sure to please South Park fans including Mini-Commentaries on all episodes by the creators of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, A collection of Deleted Scenes from various episodes in the set, and a Bonus Episode from the 13th Season, #1302 The Coon.

    South Park fans are sure to love this great collection of episodes from the hit animated series. Just in time for the beginning of the Fifteenth Season, South Park The Complete Fourteenth Season is unrated and available now on DVD and Blu-ray from fine stores everywhere.

    - Michael Klein

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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