Movies/TV/Games: Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope

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    Fredericksburg, VA

    Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope

    Limited theatrical run begins today. On Demand tomorrow...

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    Chris Ball, President and CEO of LA-based film production and distribution company Wrekin Hill Entertainment, and Joel Weinshanker, President and CEO of the National Entertainment Collectibles Association (NECA), announced today that COMIC-CON EPISODE IV: A FAN'S HOPE will begin traditional theatrical runs in Los Angeles on April 5th, in San Francisco and Portland on April 6th, and in New York, Boston and Washington, DC on April 13th. The film will also become available to more than 100 million viewers on Video On Demand on April 6th.

    Wrekin Hill and NECA will also be using Tugg, Inc. ("Tugg") for the upcoming release of Spurlock's film. Starting today, audiences from around the country can use Tugg to bring COMIC-CON EPISODE IV: A FAN'S HOPE to their local theater.

    The distributors will be hosting a series of one-night only special screenings with Morgan Spurlock in seven cities. These special events have been set with a threshold for attendance in anticipation of a post-screening Q&A session with the director.

    Notes Ball: "We wanted to make these first events extra special for the most passionate Comic-Con fans, and give them the opportunity to speak with Morgan about the making of this film. Comic-Con Episode IV is the kind of movie that can't just be watched, but needs to really be experienced."

    Morgan Spurlock's Q&A event dates and cities are as follows, along with links to reserve tickets for each event:

    * April 9th, Orlando, FL -

    * April 10th, Miami, FL -

    * April 13th, Baltimore, MD -

    * April 15th, New Haven, CT -

    * April 16th, Las Vegas, NV -

    * April 19th, Long Island, NY -

    * April 22nd, Atlanta, GA -

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	comicconhope.jpg 
Views:	518 
Size:	144.0 KB 
ID:	26666  

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