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  1. Ok Kids which Summer exclusive figure are you looking the most toward and why?

    I am only getting the Metallic Earthworm Jim in hopes it has the smiley head.
    The last exclusive I went crazy over was The Unitology Suit Isaac Clarke from Neca.

    What are you guys looking...
  2. Replies

    Re: Why I hate the new Mattel Voltron.

    Yeah I could see how have giant figures would get annoying if you wanted them in scale. I had the trendmasters 1997 gift box figure that had the tiny pilots which were in scale with the figure....
  3. Re: Anybody know when the Mass effect 3 figures are shipping?

    So I'm getting conflicting reports and I'm watching Bioware's store go from May to June to August. Apparently they shipped in england and one batch actually came from the bioware store. Either there...
  4. Anybody know when the Mass effect 3 figures are shipping?

    I see where it says Mass effect 3 figures series 2 is shipping the 31st of May but A lot of people already have them. anyone have any idea if they're shipping now or that was just the first batch....
  5. Replies

    Using Games Workshop paint

    Hi I'm having problems painting the fingers on my kotobukiya zero model kit. The paint is too plasticy or too thick to put on multiple coats am I doing something wrong any help would be apperciated...
  6. Replies

    Rockman zero model kit requires paint!

    Hey guys, If any of you are excited that Kotobukiya is importing the Mega Man Zero model kit in December you may want to ready yourself for some painting.
    New shots of the model kit fully put...
  7. Replies

    Re: My Batman Collection

    I could never stick with one character you possess fortitude I do not
  8. Replies

    Re: NECA - Prototype 2

    Remember my friend that when Prototype 1 came out the figure came out at exactly the same time as well as the mini figure which was shipped with the game. One other time neca has done this with the...
  9. Re: Unimax-Toys GAMESTARs: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

    Check out their Assassin's creed figures I think They are actually doing something right. However I'm not a fan of the tough economic time GI joe for 10 dollars thing :/
  10. Replies

    Re: Dc Direct: Arkham City Batman (?)

    Grab some game workshop black paint my friend a custom figure awaits you :) I prefer blue myself
  11. Replies

    Re: test figures

    Hello I own A Deviants Slaughterhouse Test Type. It seems pretty brittle compared to the actual product. I have it signed by Casey Lau and I won it from I enjoy this figure but I think...
  12. Dead Space series 1 action figure battery question

    Hey guys I know the dead space 2 action figure takes 3 CR123A batteries
    I haven't opened his panel what type does the dead space 1 figures take?
    I lost my sheet which told me if anyone knew...
  13. Replies

    Best of Player select.

    Hey Guys I don't know if you missed the Raziel and Ninja gaiden figures . Toys R Us has rereleased them both for 9.98 along with Ken from Street Fighter 4 . I'll be posting a crappy review and pics...
  14. Replies

    Re: Coming Fall of 2011

    Wow a teaser. Cool!
  15. Do you think we will ever see Dc Direct Mass effect figures?

    I for one was looking forward to these figures since they were announced. I've been waiting patiently on this set but apparently bioware is going with a new company and trying to make all of the...
  16. Dead Space figures are already shipped O_O

    I thought they were coming out in march so I preordered them thinking. I'll have the money and now BBTS sent me an e-mail stating " hey they're innn"
    I'm so glad I get paid Thursday lol :D
  17. Replies

    Re: Super Hero Figures

    Hey Man Sorry I missed this post earlier.
    My suggestion is get those 3 inch figures. They're compatable with gi joe. and alot of other lines in that scale. That way you could mix in the stuff. ...
  18. Replies

    Re: Soft Material?

    Hot glue supposedly works great for hair and facial hair . I believe I read somewhere where the bionic commando figure's hair was originally cast in hot glue and then a mold was cast from that. I...
  19. Replies

    Re: Action figures for Pirates 4 ...When?

    That's not a dumb question that's a fan question :P.

    If Neca is producing them They should show up at the Toy show. I've always seen the action figures and concept art leaked way before movies....
  20. Re: Movie Maniacs 3 Ed scissorhands variant (?)

    it's japanese not mcfarlane but maybe I'm wrong?
  21. The Mother of all Rockman action figure/model kits

    in the late 90's I was buying the bandai action figure model kits and I own a few of the super robot wars kits so I can say this is going to be well worth the 31 dollars for preordering the figure. ...
  22. Replies

    Re: marcus fenix series 3 gold lancer ?

    get the two pack from TRU unless you're just really wanting the single packed because the two pack comes with a golden lancer. and is only 25 bucks.
  23. Replies

    Mass Effect action figures

    Anyone else looking forward to these?
  24. Replies

    Re: No God of War 3 action-figures???

    I would go after the older ones it looks like they're being reissued anyway. Dc direct look to be doing great things with the rachet and clank figure license and they're bringing about Heavenly sword...
  25. Re: Ray stantz with metal gear solid thermal vision goggles on

    Yeah the figure is a mixed bag. for the price we could have easily gotten a proton pack ghost trap goggles and pke meter.
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