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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 01-21-2015, 10:48 AM

    Regular Show: Mordecai Pack

    Cartoon Network’s Announces Details for All-New DVD...

    Later this month, Cartoon Network’s beloved blue jay takes the spotlight in the all-new DVD, Regular Show: Mordecai Pack. Packed with 16 hand-picked, Mordecai-centric episodes from the Emmy Award-winning animated comedy, Regular Show: Mordecai Pack follows everybody's favorite slacker blue jay, his best friend Rigby and the rest of the gang on their extreme and surreal misadventures. Regular Show: Mordecai Pack will be available on January 27, 2015 for the suggested retail price of $19.82, featuring the following episodes:

    1. Bet to be Blonde
    2. Country Club
    3. Paint Job
    4. Guy's Night
    5. Caveman
    6. Every Meat Burritos
    7. Real Date
    8. Saving Time
    9. New Year’s Kiss
    10. Laundry Woes
    11. Dodge This
    12. Portable Toilet
    13. Play Date
    14. Tants
    15. Bad Portrait
    16. Maxin' and Relaxin'

    Created by J.G. Quintel, Regular Show follows two best friends and park groundskeepers, Mordecai and Rigby, a blue jay and a raccoon whose attempts to escape their everyday boredom take them to fantastical – and sometimes unintended – extremes. Maintenance duties for Rigby and Mordecai are just dull enough to somehow propel the pair into different wild shenanigans each episode. Their boss, the gumball machine Benton, does not enjoy having to manage their antics. However, Rigby and Mordecai’s insane escapades often delight Pops, a talking lollipop, who has spent his entire life in the park.

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